Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Kenyon Drives the Lane Fast, Very Fast

I don't need no lights, no cameras, just action goddammit
Never no superstar, I'm more like a planet...

It seems a Denver muckety muck lawyer in the DA office hooked up Kenyon “Lead Foot” Martin by looking the other way over the Nugs’ forward’s speeding tickets.

(Note: yes, those are 100 MPH plus speeds; Kenyon is apparently angling post-career for NASCAR)

In a related note, the DA has been retained by Nugs’ brass to see if he can “look the other way” and pass along Kenyon’s overpriced contract to some other NBA/D-League/Chinese League/Globetrotters/Gus Macker team.

The DA has also been approached by the Nugs coaching staff to see if he make Kenyon’s play hard half the time attitude “go away.”

Other duties the organization has considered for the DA include: erasing some of those bad tats, passing along Kenyon’s sometimes ridiculous technical fouls to teammate Linas Kleiza, and being able to handle Western Conference big men.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey commish-KMart played like a beast last night. maybe he should get more tickets if thats what the result is.

7:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's the point, he looks like a world against the worst teams in the league, but his defensive 'prowess' goes right in the toilet against any PF with any kind of game at all.

8:10 AM  

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